The Park at LAX 11333 South La Cienega Boulevard, , California United States 90045
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- Location
- 11333 South La Cienega Boulevard, , California United States 90045
- Area
- Los Angeles International Airport, LAX parking
- Phone
- 1-800-851-5863
Parking lot information
The Park At LAX has plenty of deals to make your long term LAX parking experience more fulfilled. You can either order your parking spot online, over the phone or when you get there on the day of. If you do it online or over the phone, you will be able to get in and out of the parking lot a lot quicker than if you were to go in and book your spot. Also, going in the day of can be risky (especially during high volume travel times).
The Park At LAX offers a complimentary shuttle bus from the long-term parking lot to the airport to make your journey a bit more simple. When going on a trip, the last thing you need is to be stressed out, first thing. It's important to have fun on your trip and the people at The Park At LAX understand that, which is why they have created such a great facility to make you feel welcome when you arrive and when you are departing. The Park At LAX is a safe and secure parking lot where anyone would feel safe leaving their car. There are security personnel on duty 24/7 - and there are also surveillance cameras to catch anything that the security guards cannot.
Convenient services that you can choose to add on to your purchase are; hand washes, deluxe hand washes, exterior detailing, interior detailing, engine cleaning, complete detailing, engine cleaning, oil changes, smog checks and even body work. If you are interested in any of these services, you must call to book.
If you are looking for great parking deals, click here to Compare and Reserve parking at LAX Airport. is the #1 resource for finding and booking shared ride and private airport transfers around the World. You can pre-book / schedule a pickup at over 1000 airports and 10s of thousands of locations easily on your phone or desktop. Sort by vehicle preference, whether you have 100 people or it’s just yourself, Shuttlefare can make travel so much easier and save you money by comparing top operators before your trip.
Book Today for Great Deals & Friendly Customer Service!
Nearby Attractions
The Park At LAX is only a twelve minute shuttle bus ride from Los Angeles International Airport.
Services, features and add-ons
Bold = Featured
Regular = Not Featured
Covered Security Guard
Video surveillance
Offer day parking
Offer night parking
Valet parking
Car Wash
Car Detailing
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Key Details
- Location 11333 South La Cienega Boulevard, , California United States 90045
- Area Los Angeles International Airport, LAX parking
- Customer Support 1-800-851-5863
- Nearby attractions Los Angeles International Airport (LAX airport) parking - 2.29 miles
- Parking Type
- Spots Total 95
- Max height none
- Local time Oct 09, 2024 12:10 PM
Guarantee Your Spot Free + Easy Cancellations
How to park at this facility
Please show your InstaPark Pass to the attendant for validation
To change or cancel a reservation please log in here or contact us or call us 800-851-5863
Parking location and directions
11333 South La Cienega Boulevard, , California United States 90045
Going South on 405 Freeway
- Take Imperial Highway exit west.
- First signal light is S. La Cienega Blvd
- Turn left on S. La Cienega Blvd
- Drive a quarter of block on S. La Cienega Blvd
- Then turn right into entrance 11333 S. La Cienega Blvd
Going North on 405
- Take Imperial Highway exit west
- Turn left on Imperial Highway to S. La Cienega Blvd
- Turn right on S. La Cienega Blvd
- Go one half block on S. La Cienega Blvd to first signal light then make a U turn
- Go one half block to 11333 S. La Cienega Blvd, then turn right into entrance
Going west on 105 Freeway
- Take S. La Cienega / Aviation Blvd Exit
- First signal light is Imperial Highway
- Turn right on Imperial Highway
- Go to the first signal light S. La Cienega Blvd , then turn left
- Go one half block to first signal light, then make a U turn
- Go one half block to 11333 S. La Cienega Blvd, then turn right into entrance
Alternate Route
- From the I _ 105 Either directions
- Take Nash street exit
- First signal light is Imperial Highway
- Turn left on Imperial Highway
- Go four blocks on Imperial Highway to S. La Cienega Blvd
- Turn left on S. La Cienega Blvd
- Go one half block to first signal light, then make a U turn
- Go one half block to 11333 S. La Cienega Blvd, then turn right into entrance
The Park at LAX prices and rates
Daily rate | ||
Day rate | $13.95 / day | Grace period: 0 hour |
Customer Reviews (0)